About Us

Our Mission Statement

Helping children and their families to grow

We are a small, enthusiastic, dedicated team of qualified Occupational Therapists, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Royal College of Occupational Therapist (RCOT). We all specialise in Sensory Integration and Sensory Attachment Intervention.

Our Values

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We are open minded and
compassionate when learning
about each child and family
we work with.

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We believe in collaboration
through honest and trusting
relationships with children,
families, and other professionals
that we work with.

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We embrace social
responsibility, and contributing
to the wellbeing of the
communities we support.

Why are we here?

We want to help to shape each family’s world to be the best version it can be. We believe that safety, connection, and exploration are contagious, and can help to create a better world for the children we meet, to grow and flourish in.

How do we work?

We understand each child alongside their family, appreciate their strengths, learn where we can help, and empower them to achieve their own ordinary and extraordinary. We embrace our own education to enable us to facilitate meaningful change.

Meet the team


Lauren Armstrong

Therapy Coordinator


Amelia Hodgson

Occupational Therapist
Family Engagement Lead


Emma Smith

Occupational Therapist


Joy Anderson

Occupational Therapist
Sensory Integration Clinical Lead


Kat Orr

Occupational Therapist
Resources Lead


Nick Smith

Occupational Therapist


Rachel Allison

Occupational Therapist
Child and Young Person Engagement Lead

Our Clinic

Our specialist therapeutic environment is adapted to the individual needs of each child and family we work with. It never looks the same for two children! We create a warm, welcoming, safe, and fun setting from which the child can engage in their therapeutic assessment or intervention – but as far as the child is concerned, they’re just having fun! We have a specialist Sensory Integration room, which enables us to deliver Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy (ASI), and this means we can easily adapt and change the room in whatever way works best for the child.

Why are we called Juniper Tree?

Juniper Trees are important in our Yorkshire Dales. They are unique, and grow in all shapes and sizes at different ages. This reflects our value of each unique person and family we work with. They are important for bringing together different elements of the wildlife community, which is what we strive to do in each place that we work. Juniper, and particularly Juniper berries have had many uses from medicine to massage to food and drink. We like that this represents the journey of continuous learning and development. Juniper seeds are fragile and need nurturing to flourish. We see this as our service.

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What people have to say about us