Training and Events

We deliver training to small focused groups, and to whole professional or school teams. We provide a combination of theoretical and experiential learning opportunities, to support participants to consolidate and apply new knowledge, techniques and strategies – and have fun trying out new equipment!

We offer bespoke training based on the need of the group, but the most frequent topics include;

  • Sensory Integration
  • Sensory Attachment Intervention
  • Emotional Regulation
  • ‘Learning to Learn’ Skills for Classrooms
  • Supporting Daily Living; Learning Functional and Self-Care Skills

We have worked with Local Authorities, Schools, Social Work Department Teams, parent groups, and other organisations. Training packages are created and developed around the specific needs of the participants.

We also deliver formal training for Sensory Attachment Intervention courses. Please visit for further information on upcoming courses.

We want to empower adults by providing training on how to understand the needs of their children (whether it is children in their family, students, et cetera), and also how to address their own regulation needs. This is essential for adults holistic wellbeing, mood, motivation, curiosity and learning, and availability to support the young people they work with.

Upcoming training, events & workshops

Take a look at some of our upcoming training, events and workshops and book your place.

Parent/Carer SEND Workshop
JTT are pleased to be working with the Send Navigation Team to deliver this free workshop.
A&F Practical Workshop for SAI Therapists
Assessment and Formulation Practical Workshop for SAI Therapists
Introduction to SAI: The Impact of Developmental Trauma and Insecure Attachment on Sensory Processing
We’re once again delighted to host the Foundation course online in November 2024!

Some feedback from our training sessions