Meet Amelia


Amelia Hodgson


Occupational Therapist, Family Engagement Lead


Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling and Mental Health, BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy


HCPC Number: OT091505
RCOT Number: BT0827342

Special Interests

Sensory Attachment Intervention
Sensory Integration informed interventions
How sensory systems impact on motor and process skills in relation to occupational performance.

What I do at Juniper Tree Therapy

I began my role with Juniper Tree Therapy in December 2024. I work across various Special Education Needs schools in Leeds. I provide Occupational Therapy assessments and interventions to enhance performance and engagement in activities, which are meaningful to each person. Within this I use sensory based approaches, which look at how sensory processing impacts upon function and wellbeing in activities of daily living.

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About me

My first experience working with children and young people was in my first job at 16 at my local soft play area- assisting with children’s birthday parties! I completed a Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling and Mental Health prior to my Occupational Therapy training. During this time, I also did some voluntary work at a befriending service for young adults during lockdown. Throughout my Occupational Therapy training, I completed a lot of sensory related work across both in physical and mental health settings.

I came across Occupational Therapy after some of my family members received OT input for various reasons, and through my Education – particularly my Psychology qualifications.


I am currently advancing through my Sensory Integration training and sensory-based approaches.

Testimonials for Amelia