Sensory Therapy Putty is probably one of the most transferrable therapy tools you could have for sensory regulation and fine motor skills – it’s pocket sized! It comes in small pots of different colours, resistances, and even scents. We’ve used Sensory Therapy Putty for years and years – we want to share some more exciting things you can do with it!
Hide and Seek
Therapy Putty can be used to play hide and seek! This is useful for if you’re in a place where you can’t physically move around, but you want to have fun and play with your child. You can hide objects for each other and find them – make the game as exciting as you can! This provides opportunity for fine motor skills, feeling the difference between different textures, and being able to selectively pick them out (you can even use tweezers!).
Squash and Squeeze
Therapy Putty can be an incredibly useful tool to give you some deep pressure and muscle work (tactile and proprioceptive sensory input) through your hands. Think of times of the day that your child might struggle with – waiting whilst you’re talking on the phone? On a long car journey, or travelling somewhere which might make them a bit worried? Queuing for the post office or to get into a shop, or perhaps shy when meeting new people? This is the perfect time to allow your child to have access to this to do whatever they want to help them to feel calm – squash, squeeze or roll!
Incorporate Nature
You can use nature with your putty to really hone in on different characteristics and textures – this helps to develop attention and concentration. Can you make an imprint using a leaf? Rope? Flowers? How hard do you need to press to do this?
Putty Charades!
Can you guess what this is?!
One of our favourite games to play is ‘Rapidoh’ – like charades, but you ‘make’ a prop made of Playdoh instead of acting something out. You can also use Therapy Putty for this – your child is playing and being creative, and a positive ‘side effect’ of this is that the intricate hand muscles provide regulating proprioceptive sensory input – this helps your child to feel calm, and relaxed. Also, it helps to build up strength in the fingers and hands for fine motor skills such as buttons, zips, and handwriting endurance!
You can use your putty as a blank canvas; play naughts and crosses, organise letters which have been jumbled up, make shapes or create lines. It is a transferable tool which can be used in so many different ways. Perfect for long journeys, new places, and travelling!</p
Give these a go and see what you think! Have you got any other ways of using your putty which is useful? We’d love to hear them!
As always, we would recommend that you consult an Occupational Therapist for assessment before use of therapeutic equipment, and be mindful of children who might not be safe to use Sensory Therapy Putty due to mouthing/ choking.