Joint Statement by the SAI Trainers

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Joint Statement by the SAI Trainers

We are aware you are currently being bombarded with advice, as we professionals go into overdrive to reach out and to try and help others. We have decided to take a collaborative approach and give you the choice of which type of information you want to receive by clicking onto our individual websites.

Self- Regulation – Éadaoin Bhreathnach

Sensory Attachment Intervention Consultancy will offer direct experiences of self-regulation. You can click on Garden Diary and follow the weekly changes in the Secret and Labyrinth Gardens at Ash Cottage through photographs and short videos.

Click here for Garden Diary

Simple Regulation Techniques for Adults adapted from The Just Right State Programme for Adolescents and Adults.

Click here for Self -Regulation

The Scared Gang Free Resources

Download the free Scared Gang Book ‘The Scared Gang Have To Stay At Home’, a story for young children on Covid-19. Our aim is to provide Scared Gangs activities once a month while children have to remain at home.

Click here for The Scared Gang

Regulating Foods – Chris West

The Adoption Consultancy will focus on regulation of children and adults in the home using food.  We will help you think about how eating different kinds of foods can have a powerful impact on how we are feeling.  For instance, how eating soothing foods such as creamy yoghurt can help us feel comforted, how crunchy foods like carrots and apples can help us when we are feeling cross, and how other foods can help us focus and concentrate, such as mints and oranges, all things that we know can be more challenging and difficult in these times.

Making and eating things together can be a really good way of coming together and having fun. We will help you to think about how you can use these as part of your everyday patterns of eating and preparing foods, and easy ways to weave them into your day to day life.

Regulation Through Play – Emma Shedlow and Nick Smith

Juniper Tree will focus on the regulation of children and adults in the home through play. We will provide some foundations for play ideas, which might be particularly useful for children, parents and carers with motor planning difficulties. If you find thinking of your own ideas challenging, it can make play, shared joy, and regulation a little hard – sometimes, having a little scaffolding can give you the foundations to discover your own fun!

We will look at ideas within your everyday routines and with everyday household items, so you can find something which appeals to your sense of fun, with ideas of how you can adapt it to be ‘up-regulating’ (to wake you up if you are feeling withdrawn or lethargic or overwhelmed), or ‘down-regulating’ (to calm and ground you if you are feeling angry, agitated or hyper).

Personal Wellbeing – Tessa Scully

From 20th April 2020 Tessa Scully will focus on personal wellbeing and regulation for parents and professionals, introducing simple tools for self-nurture and regulation of arousal states to create a ‘felt sense’ of safety in the nervous system.

Information will also be provided about how to support children in developing ‘language for sensation’.

(new website coming soon)

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